Category: Sports Jobs

Sports Interviews

From 2005 to 2014 I was involved in running a network of sports jobs websites..

I have great pride in what I created and the fact I helped many people around the world find a job in many different sports.

Here are a selection of some of the videos I made in this time.. not the best quality or editing was ropey but still I can say I did it and will be proud of everything I achieved during this time!

Click a link to view the video!

Paul Elliott – Kick It Out – Leading the Way conference at TUC in London (

Earl Barrett – Kick It Out – Leading the Way conference at TUC in London (

Serge Betsen – Interview at Ealing Broadway (

Duncan Sandlant of Point Sports Management – interview

Freestyler Dan Magness at tent at Rosslyn Park Sevens offers new Recruitment Consultancy Solution